Why don’t you use Siri?

The future is full of technical revolutions. One of them is voice recognition and Apple might have created the best known voice recognizing lady called Siri (which by the way can also be switched to a male version).

Siri has been improved in the latest few IOS generations. She can call people, take messages, notes, go to Google en read out the news for you. Still it seems that many people prefer to manually type their actions.

Why’s that? Please take the poll!

Multiple answers are possible and note that instead of Siri, you can also answer the poll for a similar voice recognition program.




An Orange World

You probably know that the Dutch like the colour orange. But did you know that’s probably because of the royal family’s name “van Oranje-Nassau”?

I know it’s a long shot, but what if Holland wins the FIFA worldcup in Brazil? It would be the first time for the Dutch to win!

My question is, if Holland has something to celebrate, can we make the world a bit orange? Let’s say, if Holland wins the worldcup, can all the dutch living abroad, paint famous squares orange? (with waterbased paint of course)

In Zurich, I’d suggest to paint Paradeplatz orange!

Friend or foe? Please vote in the poll!

Thanks for all votes, replies and other posts!

Casper; A Dutchman in Zurich.

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